Understanding Backtracking

An overview

Aniruddha Karajgi
2 min readMay 17, 2024


This post explains the backtracking algorithm and provides a simple implementation. The goal is to provide a quick reference for easy reviewing.

Backtracking is a brute-force approach that incrementally finds solutions starting from an initial state. Once exhausted, the algorithm moves back a step and chooses another candidate.

Table of Contents


The Usecase

Backtracking can be applied to several computational problems that have an initial state and some constraints. For example, a sudoku puzzle can be solved using this technique.

One consideration is that the algorithm should reject a candidate very close to the root for efficiency reasons.

The Design


The high-level overview is straightforward.

  • There’s a — usually recursive — function that evaluates a candidate.
  • If the candidate is rejected, the function stops proceeding along that branch and returns.
  • If the candidate is accepted, the function saves it as a solution.
  • Then, this function is called for each incremental candidate that appears from the current state, usually implemented with a for loop.
  • After each iteration of the loop, the candidate is reset to its original state so a new branch can be traversed.

The pseudocode would look like this:

function(data, candidate, solutions):
if rejected(candidate):

if accepted(candidate):

for c in get_next(data, candidate):
candidate = update(candidate, c)
function(data, c, solutions)

The Implementation

We’ll implement a solution for the following problem:

Given an array nums of distinct integers, return all the possible permutations. You can return the answer in any order.

Logically, this is straightforward. You swap digits at every pair of index, and do this recursively. This way, all possible permutations are generated.

The complete implementation

def find_permutations(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
result = []

def util(nums, current_index, result):
if current_index == len(nums) - 1:

for index in range(current_index, len(nums)):
nums[current_index], nums[index] = nums[index], nums[current_index]
util(nums, current_index + 1, result)
nums[current_index], nums[index] = nums[index], nums[current_index]

util(nums, 0, result)
return result

Complexity Analysis

Worst case: exponential.


These are some problems on Leetcode to give you a good idea of how to solve backtracking questions.





Aniruddha Karajgi

Data Scientist at Tekion | Samsung Research | GSoC | CS at BITS Pilani ’21 | polaris000.com | LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/polaris000/